Friday, February 25, 2011

Guilty Much?

So after my long rant yesterday, this morning I got up, got kids ready for school and was about 20 mins off leaving when Hubby got up as well. this was a little unusual as by friday he is normally knackered from nights all week and sleeps in untill I wake him for lunch then he goes to work.

He then says I am coming with you to do the school run. It had been an uncomfortable silence all morning so a thre on a pair of shoes at the last second (normally I go barefoot as I don;t get out of the car) and off we went. I left my keys and phone and wallet at home.

So we drop kids off and there is silence in the car, I was thinking about the weekend, how I can get $300 together to host a drum making workshop, Abby going to dance, blah blah blah. About 15 mins in I sort of notice that we are going the wrong way, I think we are heading toward the city rather than home, but I doubt myself and so take more notice of my surrounds, about this time Hubby asks ar'nt you going to ask where we are going.

I say I thought we were going the wrong way but I was not really certain, but now I am, so where are we going.
He says I thought we might go into the city to a cafe on the river for breakfast.

I almost died, I knew this was his way of apologising for yesterday, I knew, well I felt he was feeling guilty and had done all day, the empath in me switched on immediately and I could feel this was his sorry, that he did feel bad about his actions, and guilty as well. So we went and had a lovely breakfast by the riverside this morning, something we have never done before.

It was really nice, but I still felt let down. I am still too afraid to bring up anything to do with money and I still am unsure about ...........well everything really, but it was a beautiful gesture from him, and it was really nice.

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