Wow so much to write where do I start LOL. Lets hope me brain does not go faster than my fingers and I will start from yesterday.
I had an angiogram yesterday to rule out pulmonary hypertension. Had to be at the hospital at 7am, so it was an early start in this house. Everyone was up at 5am and I had to have a shower before we got to the hospital to be clean and shiney for the procedure. We dropped the kids next door as Daryl was going to drop me off at the hospital then come back home to take them to school then back to the hospital to stay with me.
Now last time I had a angiogram I had a massive panic attack on the table just as the procedure started. It took me completely by surprise, I had never had one before, and quite frankly never would like one again. this time I was prepared and told them what happened.
I was taken into a room with a bed, told to put on a stunning *cough* purple gown, and very sexy paper undies. then a lovely nurse came and took all my details and went through the happenings of the day.
I told her about my panic attack, also about the fact I have spondolitis of my spine which makes it very painful to lay flat on my back after the procedure, which is a must. She was lovely and said she would speak to the doctor.
Now I was very calm which rather surprised me, I was not nervous yet, I had a small headache, and felt slightly ill, that would have been anxiety. So a lovely doctor came to chat to me, and he expressed concern that my INR levels were high and he was unsure if the procedure would go ahead as with INR being high I was at a greater risk of bleeding. My vascular Doctor was being called down to consult. He told me if it did go ahead I would be given oral vitamin K to lower my INR thus thickening my blood and making the procedure safer.
He also said that they would give me valium before the procdeure to help with anxiety, even though I did tell him I had it last time and it did diddly squat.
So My vasular Doctor came down and decided that we would go ahead and do the right heart pressure check, and he in fact would do the procedure. He ordered a drip to be put in to keep me hydrated and to allow them to administer a relaxant when the procedure was done.
I must say vitamin k tastes absolutley disgusting.
So I go to have the procedure done, I am on a teeny table drapped in a sterile sheet, painted with chlorhexadine. Right about now the panic starts, my breathing starts to quicken and my heart rate starts to raise. The doctor comes in and the tears start. He tells me he os going to give me a local, I feel the prick and sting and its all over, I start panting, desperatley trying to keep it together, panting and trying not to move, he stops immediatley and they give me something via the drip but its too late, My pulse is fast, I am trying not to hyperventilate, and stay calm, the doctor pushes on with what he is doing and I can hear myself making little nosies. It was awful. Finally he says its all over. I am so relieved, my fingers are cramped from holding each other hard. My head is pounding.
I am taken to recovery where a nurse puts lots of pressure on my groin where the sheath still is. after 10 mins they remove it and apply pressure for another 10 mins. Apparently I am not bleeding much, I am raised ever so slightly and told I have to lay flat for an hour, then I can sit up.
by now it is 5pm, I have been here since 7am and I just want to go home.
We have to see the doctor first to get results, so finally he comes to see us and lets us know......NO you do not have pulmonary hypertension, the pressures in the right side of your heart are normal. However, the pressures in the left side are slightly elevated. Not ebough for us to be very concerned about, but we will keep an eye on it.
It can be casue by a few things, being over weight.Tick I have that, unhealthy eating....Tick I have that as well, and the biggie, sleep aponea,......more than likely have that. So he has ordered a sleep study to be done. I snore, I am always tired, I have fuzzy brain, I tick all the box's for aponea.
I am finally allowed to go home with a list of don;t do's. Dags comes to get me and off we go.
ON the way home he mentions that he thinks he has something in his eye, it is very very red and angry, it has been like it all day, but we put it down to him being tired. So we get home and his eye is really giving him grief, he thinks maybe a piece of metal got in it the night before at work. I put some drops in it for him and we both go to bed.
This morning is is red raw and swollen, so while we are grocery shopping we stop in at a optomotrist and have it looked at. Yep piece of metal in it, optomotrist is able to get some of the metal aout, but it is in very deep, and he is worried abot casueing permanent eye damage so reffers hubby to PA hospital (where I was yesterday) Eye Emergency department to get the rest out.
So home we come, Hubby calls work and explains whats happening, The OH&S lady comes and picks him up and takes him to the hospital. (one of the don'ts for me is do not drive untill Thurday). So from 12pm he is at the hospital. The hospital remove the last piece of metal from his is very deep. Give him some antibiotic drops and send him home. No patch, no nothing. His eye is so sore he is walking around with all the lights off and dark sunnies on, becasue the slightest bit of light really hurts him :(((((((.
So thats the last 2 days in a nut shell. I need to loose a shit load of weight, and totally overhaul my lifestyle, and DH has a really sore eye.
Ho HUM.........