Well just for a change it was raining here today. LOL. We also had random thunder so loud it shook windows totally out of the blue, no storm just the odd random thunder. It had been dark cold and wet all day.
Now for a little oddness.......or is it???????
Earlier this week A pagan freind mentioned a dedication she was doing and a goddess called Elen of the ways. I had never heard of this goddess before so asked her to please tell me a little about her. She told me she is the goddess of pathways, travels and is depicted as wearing antlers and often is referred to the greenlady. I was instantly captivated by the goddess, it was like being hit by a bolt. I lokked up all I could on Elen, but the is very little written about this Goddess.
She is an ancient celtic goddess, and what I could find out about her I have saved to read. I have found some pictures of her but not many. I felt the need to get a deer antler, although I had No idea where I would get such I thing I needed to get it.
I went to ebay and found some antler dog chews, so emailed the seller about possibly buying a whole deer antler. I had an image in my minds eye of what I wanted, and to my utter surprise this guy had EXACTLY what wanted. So I am getting it from him. I have no idea why yet, I am guessing its for a wand possibly, one I am to decorate. :-).
Thentoday I sent a message to Lucy Cavendish about Elen, I mean she has travelled lots and written books so I thought she may have heard of her. I almost fell over when she answered and told me she is the Diety Lucy follows, I mean can you believe that!. It seems the mysterious Elen is making herself known again, I can;t wait to get to know more about her, there is precious little out there unlike most goddesses.
Today I am thankful for google, that wonderful invention that lets me find out stuff with the push of a few buttons.
That's awesome Luna - I will have to do some "googling" myself!!!
I also read TP's blog on Elen and had to find out more about her. Well done finding the antler Luna :-)