Yep, more of the wet stuff falling from the sky. All day today it has rained, I am pretty sure the people of QLD although thankful they are no longer in drought, are not happy to be now in flood.
Here we are in January in QLD, I should be siting here sweating like the proverbial pig listening to the deafening sounds of cicadas, but I am sitting here feeling rather cool, listening to the rain fall, and the son of many frogs and I suspect toads as well.
Tonight my lower back and ankle are aching something horrid reminding me that is is not good for me to soend half the day walking from shop to shop looking for sports shoes for the kids.
We went to a big shopping complex down the coast from us, a retail outlet place to get decent shoes at really good prices, and while we were there had a look around......bad idea. My back and ankle are now prostesting at being made to actually work.
I remember when I could walk for hours and hours with out a drama....I wonder if I could loose some weight would it make a huge difference or only a little one, if the pain is weight related, or becasue of all the damage now done in both my spine and ankle joint.
Speaking of weight, I really do want to loose lots, I do......but with food being a drug for me, I have no idea how to do it and I swear if I hear the words, self control, portion sizes, and mind over matter I will go feral on someones arse. Why don;t people get that food is just like an addictive drug.......self control is all well and good to talk about, but actuall goes straight out the window in most instances as soon as a trigger happens. *sigh* but thats a whole other vent.
I have to go into hospital on the 1st Feb for a angiogram to check the pressure in the right side of my heart. They are trying to rule out something called cardio pulmonary hypotension. It basically means high pressure in the heart, and is caused by clots in your lungs. They have tried to rule it out by an echo cardiogram 3 times now but can;t get a decent reading, so this is the only way to get a conculsive result.
I am so not looking forward to it, last time I had one I had a massive panic attack on the table even with supposedly being given sedatives. *shudder* I will be glad when it is over, and I hope this will be the last hospital visit for this year.
Blood test for me tomorrow to check my INR levels. yay...NOT.
Today I am thankful for my hearing, so I can listen to the delightful frog songs.
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