Wednesday, April 20, 2011

so a question

how do you start to like yourself? So many have said you must love yourself in order to heal, I wonder how does one even begin to like oneself??????? No really a serious question how do you? If you have the answer and I mean seriously please share with the class becasue I have no idea at all.

1 comment:

  1. I read this in a book sometime ago - I try to live by it, hope it helps...

    Liking or even loving oneself is a long road to recovery and should be taken in small steps. First off, start by making a list of all the things you like about yourself, (if you for instance like your eyes or your smile or the gifts you are good at) then make a list of the things you would like to change about yourself - these have to be achievable not far fetched eg., I would like to lose weight, or quit smoking, or be a better parent. NOT if you are a big girl with dark hair and you want to be a thin girl with long blonde hair - or if you are older and you want to regain your youth, these things are NOT going to happen, (unless you have a truck full of money and a good plastic surgeon!!) BUT you can make small changes each week to add to the list of things you like about yourself.
    Focus on the positive and things you are good/great at. Try new things to improve your mental image of yourself, whether it be taking up art, going for a walk each day, a new colour in your hair, new clothes or makeup.
    Take up measures to de-stress yourself (stop and smell the roses) this makes your aura more serene and people around you will sense a difference in you.
    If you come up against a brick wall, instead of being down on yourself about it, look to see if you can improve the situation or change it in a different way.
    If someone hurts your feelings or say's hurtful things about you, know that it is THEIR problem, THEIR issue with you and not a slight on your being...having SELF respect increases your SELF worth...and YOU ARE WORTH IT!!

    Luv ya Miss Luna
