Monday, April 11, 2011

yes its confirmed, I am nothing but a inconvienience

conversation this afternoon.

DH: what do you want me to do with the snitzles for dinner this afternoon?

ME: what ever is easiest or you

DH: what is easiest is being able to go straight to work and not have to do this shit again. :(.

Seems there is no effort being taken to even hide how angry he is at me now. When people ask what did you do to your knee and I say I fell down the stair, he says....No she didn;t fall down them, she was walking alnong and just didn;t see them, so stepped off them and landed on her knee, in that oh so sarcastic tone. A few times now when I have told people on the phone ect, he said to me, so did they say you are an idiot?, I would have. He is so very angry at me

1 comment:

  1. What a fucktard!!!
    Does he think you did it on purpose?
    HE married you for better or worse, in sickness and in health didn't he??
    About time he pulled his finger out of his arse and became a real man, who respects and loves his wife no matter what...instead of the whiney "my life isn't going my way" prat that he is...
    Can you tell I'm angry??
    CHeer up pumpkin....let's hope you are not incompacitated for long and can get back to normal soon...luvs to ya xxx
