Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A old dog new tricks

So today finished two days of induction for QLD Health of which I am now employed on a casual basis as a dental nurse.

I forgot how much I love dental nursing and how much I miss it untill I went back yesterday and the smell hit me, the smell most people hate and strikes fear into the hearts of many, but I love. The sound of the drill, the noise, the chemicals everything. LOL. So First day of induction was organising Id cards (photo's yuk) and learning all aboout infection control. Man have things changed a whole lot since I was a full time nurse all those years ago. It is a whole new far stricker world now and this old dog has many new things to learn.

I am excited to be working for the Govt, and I am hoping really hard that I will one day land a perm part time position. At the moment I am in a pool of casuals who will be called as needed, so work will only come every now and then. I had to get fitted for a uniform as well which was blah but apart from that it was a great two days.

Dags goes to Sydney on Thursday supposedly to play golf like he does every year with his step dad, but T. is really unwell so they may just end up spending some time together which will be good. Bad thing is he will not get paid for it. I need to get around $100 woth of meds this week as well. I was hoping that some of my wands may have sold but it was not to be.

I need to go and have a blood test tomorrow just my INR test, but I may put that off to Monday, and I may even stretch out the meds to last untill Monday as well.

I think the Two days orientation pay will be paid next F/N so that will come in handy.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the Dental Nurse prospects (shudders....I don't like Dentists - haven't been to one since.....er....19...93)
    I hope you get heaps of part time work :o))
    Take Care my lovely xxxx
