Sunday, January 23, 2011

Happy birthday to me

I am 45 today, 1/2 way to 90 as my mother so kindly reminded me this morning........thanks mum!.

I got a new dremmel to help with making wands and Staffs wich is good, and I bought myself a praying monk and some prayer flags wich now are at my front door.

All in all its been a good day, although I am missing my youth for the first time ever. I am feeling 45, I feel old, and I don't like it at all. I can't bend over any more without creaking, I sound like my mum with the kids and I wonder when I GOT to be like a old person, I don't remember being like this before. :((((.

On a plus side, this kids go back to school tomorrow, a new begining for them as they start a new school, so a new chapter in both there lives. They seem to be growing up so very very fast. Everything seems to be happening so very very fast. Abby is changing from a little girl into a young lady.........and getting the attitude to match as well. soon I will have two teens on my hands, and that scares the daylights out of me.

Anyhoo today I am middle aged (again according to my mother) *cry* where did my youth go, why didn;t I take more notice of it.

Today I am grateful for my mother.......even if she is brutally honest LOL and my Girls.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Bithday Luna,
    I'm glad you had a nice day!!
    45 is still young yet, don't go writing yourself off just yet (I should know - I'm 50).
    Luv to you xxxx
